Category: Courses

  • Time Management Hero

    This short animation introduced a course on Time Management.

  • Intuit Sustainability

    Intuit asked me to create an online learning experience about Sustainability and individual impact on the environment. They wanted something “different, fun and engaging.”

  • Blackline Benefits

    These are a few “look and feel” comps or mock-ups. I create comps for every project. This is done to align with the expectations of the project owner before building anything.

  • Coaching 101

    Before joining The Cheesecake Factory as an Instructional Design Manager, I developed several learning experiences for them as a contractor including this course for Restaurant Managers on the company’s preferred method of coaching employees.

  • HD Supply Courses

    This is one of several online learning experiences created for HD Supply, one of the leading suppliers of maintenance products for multi-unit residential, commercial, and hospitality facilities.

  • Philips 1-Watt Course

    As an Instructional Designer for Portland, Oregon-based Bluevolt, I created learning experiences for the electrical trade. This course was one from a series for Philips lighting.

  • NW Service Excellence

    These are a few screens from various online learning experiences created for Kaiser Permanente while I was a contractor there.

  • Dress the Worker

    “Dress the worker” was an award-winning online learning experience created for the National Electrical Contractor’s Association produced while I worked at Bluevolt in Portland, Oregon.

  • Myth of Multitasking

    While working at First American, I designed and developed a course on “The Myth of Multitasking.” I incorporated a series of short videos within the course in addition to timed memory activities to help explain science in an entertaining way.